RF job Prospectus

Radio frequency(RF) is evergreen field for engineers seeking jobs. RF is in use in all the wireless products. Basic conventional RF chip converts information signals/bits into modulated RF signal suitable to be transmitted using Antenna from source to the destination.

RF devices/systems are in use widely across industries ranging from telecom,operators, test and measurement,healthcare,medical,electrical and so on.

Demand across the industries:

•  RF Test and Measurement
•  Wireless consumer electronics
•  Satellite and VSAT industry
•  Medical domain
•  RF design and development

Based on the above there are various job positions evolving continuosly in RF domain. These include RF System engineer.RF design engineer,RF optimization engineer,RF test and measurement engineer, RF installation engineer and so on.

Each of the above job profiles need basic knowledge of RF concepts outlined below and hands on experience using test and measurement tools. In addition to basic skills each of the job profile need specific skills pertaining to the job profile.

Basic Skills desired:

• Basic RF design concepts
• Transmission line theory
• Knowledge of RF testing equipments viz. Signal generator, signal analyzer, spectrum analyzer, SNA, VNA, power meter and frequency counter

The candidate should have basic knowledge of RF system such as transmitter/receiver architecture,antenna systems, RF link budget,RF components and their functions etc. Modern day RF systems have become complex to take care of increase in demand of data rate as well as coverage. This needs knowledge of OFDM,MIMO,OFDMA,beamforming concepts.

The knowledge of any one wireless standards viz. WLAN,WiMAX,LTE can help one obtain the job very easily. Candidates having the knowledge of both single carrier and multi-carrier systems will be a plus.

Companies hiring for RF job:

•  CSR India
•  Qualcomm
•  NXP semiconductor
•  Agilent
•  NI
•  R&S
•  Anritsu
•  Litepoint
•  Tektronix

RF Engineer Salary Range:

Experience Payscale
Entry level $47,661 - $88,819
Mid career $57,864 - $101,763
Experienced $62,161 - $119,489


RF Frequency converter
RF Transceiver
RF Filter design guide
PXI RF T and M
RF Measurements
RF Components
What is RF
RF Power Amplifier
RF Synthesizer
RF Link Budget
RF Books
RF Jobs

RF and Wireless tutorials

WLAN  802.11ac  802.11ad  wimax  Zigbee  z-wave  GSM  LTE  UMTS  Bluetooth  UWB  IoT  satellite  Antenna  RADAR