RF Amplifier PAE(Power Added Efficiency) Calculator

This page of converters and calculators section covers RF Amplifier PAE calculator.

Amplifier Input Power(Watts) (input1) :

Amplifier Output Power (Watts) (input2) :

Amplifier DC Powerinput3 (Watts) (input3) :

RF Amplifier PAE (%) (Output) :

Refer Power Unit Converter to convert power from dBW to Watt to use here in this calculator.

INPUTS: Pin = 8 Watt, Pout= 18 Watt , Pdc = 50 Watt
OUTPUT: RF Amplifier PAE(Power Added Efficiency) = 20 %

RF Amplifier PAE-Power Added Efficiency Equation

As we know efficiency of the RF amplifier will help to analyze how much power is dissipated as heat. This is the parameter used to design heat sink for the RF amplifier. There are three main types of efficiency viz. power added efficiency, overall efficiency and drain efficiency. Refer PA efficiency types for equations of each of these type of efficiency. Following equation or formula is used for RF Amplifier PAE calculator.

RF Amplifier PAE Equation

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