Ohms Law calculator | converters and calculators

This page of converters and calculators section covers Ohms Law calculator.This Ohms Law calculator calculates one value as output based on two input values.There are three main parameters in Ohms law (V=IxR) i.e. current(I),voltage(V) and resistance(R).

V and I given, calculate R as output

Voltage in Volts (input1) :

Current in Amperes (input2) :

Resistance in Ohm (Ω)(output1) :

Power, P in Watts (output2) :

EXAMPLE Ohms Law Calculator-1:
INPUTS: Voltage=12, Current=5 Amp
OUTPUTS: Resistance = 2.4 Ω, Power = 60 Watts

Ohms Law Calculator-I and R given, calculate V

Current in Amperes (input1) :

Resistance in Ohm (Ω) (input2) :

Voltage in volts (output1) :

Power, P in Watts (output2) :

EXAMPLE Ohms Law calculator-2:
INPUTS: Current=5 Amp, Resistance = 2.4 Ω
OUTPUTS: Voltage=12, Power = 60 Watts

Ohms Law Calculator-V and R given, calculate I

Voltage in Volts (input1) :

Resistance in Ohm (Ω) (input2) :

Current in Amps (output1) :

Power, P in Watts (output2) :

EXAMPLE Ohms Law calculator-2:
INPUTS:Voltage=12, Resistance = 2.4 Ω
OUTPUTS: Current=5 Amp ; Power = 60 Watts

Ohms Law Calculator Equations

Following equations or formulas are used for Ohms Law Calculator.

Ohms Law calculator Equations

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