RF AM to PM Conversion Calculator

This page of converters and calculators section covers RF AM to PM conversion calculator. It provides resources on AM to PM conversion basic concepts used in RF transceiver.

Third Order Intercept Point (TOI) in dBm (input1) :

Input Power Level in dBm (input2) :

Gain of the DUT (input3) :

AM to PM Conversion (Output):

AM to PM conversion Equation

AM to PM conversion as well as AM to AM conversion are two important parameters to determine the nonlinearity tests of a RF amplifier. The phase drift of the input signal which causes amplitude variation in the output signal is referred as AM-PM conversion. The amplitude drift of input signal causing amplitude variation of the output signal is referred as AM-AM conversion. Following equation or formula is used for AM to PM Conversion Calculator.

AM to PM conversion equation

Useful converters and calculators

AM to PM conversion resources

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