Cloud computing tutorial | Architecture basics
Cloud computing is the concept by which multiple customers across different locations share the internet based applications at very minimal or in some cases without incurring any cost. The applications will become utilities for them which can be shared by many. One such application is Google API which can be used to create web based applications. These applications are user friendly and customized for beginners. The applications are easy to create, to configure and can be customized based on need. There are many applications which can run using this concept such as free email, web conference,CRM etc.
The network or internet providing the service to the users is referred as cloud. It consists of private as well as public networks including LAN,WAN,MAN etc. The manipulation,configuration and access of various online applications is referred as cloud computing. It provides data storage using configured email accounts(e.g. drop box or google drive), infrastructure usage (e.g. use of costly equipments using remote connection based on lease) and applications as mentioned.
The beauty of cloud computing is that use need not have to install any software or operating system and can use the service provided by cloud computing from anywhere in very cost effective and convenient manner. There are several key architectural models and components within cloud computing as described below.
Deployment and service Models
Based on application need and resource requirements and to make use of them in a very effective and efficient manner, cloud computing is divided into two broad categories of models. They are deployment models and service models. The deployment type defines how the systems and services are used by the distributed users. Based on this concept there exists four models viz. public, private, community and hybrid clouds. Based on this concept there are IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS(Platform as a Service) and SaaS(Software as a Service). Other than these models there is a model referred as XaaS which consists of "Anything as a Service".

Deployment Models:
Public cloud model is meant for general public to utilize the cloud computing service. These services are provided by microsoft,google,Amazon over basic internet infrastructure.
Private cloud model is meant for communities within organization. As mentioned private model provides greater level of privacy and security to the businesses.
Hybrid model is the combination of both private and public cloud models and hence take benefits of both the models.
Community model helps access of service or system by a group of business establishments.
Service Models:
IaaS helps use of common infrastructure resources which includes physical systems,virtual storage and machines,load balancing,
virtual LANs, IP address and more.
PaaS provides online runtime environment for development and deployment of various applications using APIs.
SaaS provides use of software applications to be used by end customers or users. Typical software applications under SaaS include
customer relationship management, billing and invoice, Human resource management solutions and more.
Cloud computing architecture
It refers to the structure and design of the various components, services and protocol layers that make up a cloud computing environment.

As shown in the block diagram, the cloud computing architecture consists of two parts viz. front end and back end. Front end refers to client side components such as web browser or FTP client or TELNET application etc. The back end houses cloud components which need to be used by clients as shared resource. It includes data storage devices, virtual systems, networks, security systems, applications, infrastructure and communication mechanism to enable delivery of cloud services to the users. Both the frond end and back end parts are connected via internet as shown. Cloud infrastructure houses management software, deployment software, servers, network devices, hypervisor (low level language referred as firmware), storage resources etc.
• Easy access to thousands of applications online
• Manipulation and configuration of online applications as per need
• No installation required at client side and hence provides platform independent service
• No cost or minimal in using the resources
• Private cloud keeps the business community secured from public
• Public cloud provides way for general public users to share their knowledge base, products and their business updates
• Offers load balancing
• Supports multitenant solutions
Conclusion : Overall, cloud computing architecture provides a flexible, cost-effective and scalable approach to IT infrastructure and services. This enables businesses to focus on innovation & growth to achieve their objectives.
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