WBAN PHY Layer-IEEE 802.15.6 Physical layer basics
This page on WBAN PHY layer describes IEEE 802.15.6 Physical Layer (PHY) basics.It explains three WBAN PHY layers viz. NB,HBC and UWB.
The PHYSICAL LAYER performs following tasks in WBAN(Wireless Body Area Network).
• Activation and deactivation of the radio transceiver
• Clear channel assessment (CCA) within the current channel
• Data transmission and reception
• Incorporate forward error correction and modulation of the data to be transmitted
Based on different frequency bands WBAN supports different physical layer versions.
These includes NB(NarrowBand), UWB(Ultra Wideband) and HBC(Human Body Communication).
The rate dependent parameters are configured based on various freqhency bands mentioned below:
• 402 MHz to 405 MHz
• 420 MHz to 450 MHz
• 863 MHz to 870 MHz
• 902 MHz to 928 MHz
• 950 MHz to 958 MHz
• 2360 MHz to 2400 MHz
• 2400 MHz to 2483.5 MHz
The figure-1 depicts WBAN Physical layer as per Narrowband specifications.
The figure-2 depicts PPDU structure of NB WBAN PHY.
The figure-3 depicts WBAN Physical layer as per UWB specifications.
The figure-4 depicts WBAN PHY layer as per HBC specifications.
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