Guide to UMTS Frequency Bands : UARFCN meaning and calculator

UMTS operates across various frequency bands, and each frequency is represented by a unique UARFCN (Universal Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number). Understanding these frequency allocations and their corresponding UARFCN values is crucial for effective network planning and interference management, ensuring that the network delivers optimal coverage and capacity.

RF carrier frequency in UMTS is calculated based on UARFCN. UARFCN stands UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. In GSM, ARFCN is used to calculate the carrier frequency. UARFCN calculation formulas are mentioned below.
➨Uplink: NUL = 5 * (FUL - FUL_Off)
➨Downlink: NDL = 5 * (FDL - FDL_Off)
FUL_Off and FDL_Off is defined in TS 21.101 standard released by 3GPP, with this we can obtain following UARFCNs.

UMTS Frequency bands Carrier Frequency range(MHz) UARFCN
Band I 1922.4-1977.6(FUL), 2112.4-2167.6(FDL) 9612-9888(UL), 10592-10838(DL)
Band II 1852.4-1907.6(FUL), 1932.4-1987.6(FDL) 9262-9538(UL), 9662-9938(DL)
Band III 1712.4-1782.6(FUL), 1807.4-1877.6(FDL) 937-1288(UL), 1162-1513(DL)
Band IV 1712.4-1752.6(FUL), 2112.4-2152.6(FDL) 1312-1513(UL), 1537-1738(DL)
Band V 826.4-846.6(FUL), 871.4-891.6(FDL) 4132-4233(UL), 4357-4458(DL)
Band VI 832.4-837.6(FUL), 877.4-882.6(FDL) 4162-4188(UL), 4387-4413(DL)

UARFCN Calculator

Following calculator takes downlink UARFCN as input and provide three outputs such as UMTS downlink frequency, UMTS uplink frequency and uplink UARFCN.

UMTS Downlink UARFCN (input) :

UMTS Downlink Frequency in MHz (Output1):

UMTS Uplink Frequency in MHz(Output2):

UMTS Uplink UARFCN (Output3):


By mastering the UMTS frequency bands and understanding UARFCN meaning, you can ensure efficient frequency management and enhanced network performance. This knowledge is fundamental for professionals involved in frequency planning and spectrum allocation in 3G networks.

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