Test and Measurement Tutorial
This tutorial covers test and measurement basics,wireless products,parameters,test and measurement companies,equipments and more.
Test and Measurement basics
Test and measurement has become more challenging as today's wireless systems have become more complex compare to previous systems. This is mainly due to modulation techniques(16QAM,64QAM,256QAM) and multiple antenna techniques(MIMO) in wireless systems. Moreover RF and baseband parts are merged on a single chip. Various wireless standards are evolving from WLAN,zigbee,wimax,LTE and more and few are under progress(WLAN-11ac/11ad,LTE advanced) for high data rate and long distance coverage. There are various tools/applications designed by test and measurement companies across the globe such as Agilent technologies,Tektronix and R&S to cater the need of engineers working on these areas mainly for testing/troubleshooting.
Test and measurement of wireless products
Testing and measurements of wireless products are now not limited to just power and frequency.
As mentioned there are various measurements such as EVM,CCDF,IQ costellation,channel frequency response and spectral flatness
are taken into consideration for validating complex wireless devices.
Refer following article to know more on basics of vector signal generation and vector signal analysis.
Signal generation and analysis➤
Refer following pages for physical layer measurements and parameters used for production tests on RF/SoC devices.
Physical layer measurements
Production tests on RF and SoC devices
Test and measurement parameters
Refer following links on various complex test and measurement parameters such as AM/AM, AM/PM,EVM,IQ imbalance compensation,phase noise/jitter and more.
AM-AM conversion
AM-PM conversion
Error Vector Magnitude or EVM
IQ imbalance
RF phase noise and phase jitter
T & M companies
As mentioned there are many test and measurement companies other than Agilent,R&S and Tektronix for providing
various tools/equipments/application softwares. There are few companies one who provides testing and pre-certification of various wireless products as per wimax,wlan,zigbee and LTE standards.
Refer following links for the same.
Test and Measurement Companies
Testing and certification facility providers
T & M Equipments
Following are the links for vendors of signal generator,signal analyzer and wireless channel emulator. These equipments are used for test and measurement of various standard based products/devices.
RF Drive testing DigRF test solution provider Vector signal generator Vector signal analyzer wireless channel emulator