DMR Tier 1 vs DMR Tier 2 vs DMR Tier 3 | Difference between DMR Tier 1, DMR Tier 2, DMR Tier 3

This page of DMR tutorial compares DMR Tier 1 vs DMR Tier 2 vs DMR Tier 3 and mentions difference between DMR Tier 1, DMR Tier 2 and DMR Tier 3.

DMR Tier-1 | DMR Tier-I

Following are the features of DMR Tier-1 :
• It uses 446 MHz frequency band in Europe and US. This band is licence free band.
• ETSI specification defines two time slots in 12.5 KHz channels as per TDMA structure.
• The DMR Tier-1 devices transmit maximum power of 0.5Watt. It is used for low power transmission devices.

DMR Tier-2 | DMR Tier-II

Following are the features of DMR Tier-2 :
• It uses 66 to 960 MHz frequency band.
• This licenced band is used for mobile phones and conventional radio systems.
• DMR Tier-2 is direct replacement for analog conventional radio.
• This mode can use repeater to extend the radio coverage.
• This mode is used for high power transmission devices.

DMR Tier-3 | DMR Tier-III

Following are the features of DMR Tier-3 :
• It uses 66 to 960 MHz frequency band.
• It supports both voice and data transmission simultaneously.
• It operates in trunking mode.
• Supports packet data services including IPv4 and IPv6 formats.
• Supports short messaging services.
• It extends the coverage of the radio to wide area.
• It replaces analog radio system with digital trunked mode.
• DMR Tier-3 is used for variety of applications such as SCADA, remote monitoring and control, automation etc.

DMR-Digital Mobile Radio Tutorial

DMR network architecture

DMR tutorial covers basics of DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) system. It mentions features of DMR Radio. It mentions DMR network architecture, DMR air interface, DMR channel types, advantages of DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) etc.
Follow DMR tutorial➤ to know this and more.

DMR tutorial References

Refer ETSI standards for more information on DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) :
TS 102 361-1 : Air interface protocol
TS 102 361-2 : Voice and Other services
TS 102 361-3 : Data protocol
TS 102 361-4 : Trunking protocol

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