8085 instruction set-opcode,operand,size,M-cycle,T-cycle

This page covers 8085 instruction set. The 8085 instructions are specified with opcode, operand, instruction size, M-cycle, T-cycle etc.

Table-1: List of All 8085 Instructions with their Opcodes, operands, instruction Size, Number of Machine Cycles, Number of T-states

Instruction Op-
Operand Bytes Machine-
ACI 8 bit data 2 2 7 Add immediate to Accumulator with Carry
ADC ADC Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Add register to accumulator with carry
ADD ADD Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Add register to Accumulator
ADI ADI 8-bit, data 2 2 7 Add immediate to accumulator
ANA ANA Reg., mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Logical AND with Accumulator
ANI ANI 8-bit, data 2 2 7 AND immediate with accumulator
CALL CALL 16-bit address 3 5 18 Unconditional Subroutine call
CMA CMA None 1 1 4 Complement Accumulator
CMC CMC None 1 1 4 Complement Carry
CMP CMP Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Compare with accumulator
CPI CPI 8-bit 2 2 7 Compare Immediate with accumulator
DAA DAA None 1 1 4 Decimal Adjust Accumulator
DAD DAD Reg.Pair 1 3 10 Add register pair to H and L registers
DCR DCR Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,3 4,10 Decrement source by 1
DCX DCX Reg. Pair 1 1 6 Decrement register pair by 1
DI DI None 1 1 4 Disable Interrupts
EI EI None 1 1 4 Enable Interrupts
HLT HLT None 1 2 or more 5 or more Halt and enter wait state
IN IN 8-bit port address 2 3 10 Input data to accumulator from a port with 8-bit address
INR INR Reg.,Mem. 1,1 1,3 4,10 Increment contents of register/Memory by 1
INX INX Reg. Pair 1 1 6 Increment register pair by 1
JMP JMP 16 bit 3 3 10 Jump unconditionally
LDA LDA 16 bit address 3 4 13 Load accumulator direct
LDAX LDAX B/D reg. Pair 1 2 7 Load accumulator indirect
LHLD LHLD 16 bit address 3 5 16 Load H and L registers direct
LXI LXI Reg. Pair, 16 bit data 3 3 10 Load Register Pair Immediate
1 1
Move-copy from source to destination
MVI MVI Reg., Data
Mem., Data
Move immediate 8 bit
NOP NOP None 1 1 4 No Operation
ORA ORA Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Logically OR with Accumulator
ORI ORI 8 bit data 2 2 7 Logically OR Immediate
OUT OUT 8-bit port address 2 3 10 Output Data from Accumulator to a port with 8 bit address
PCHL PCHL None 1 1 6 Load program counter with HL contents
POP POP Reg. pair 1 3 10 POP OFF Stack to register pair
PUSH PUSH Reg. pair 1 3 12 Push register pair into stack
RAL RAL None 1 1 4 Rotate accumulator left through carry
RAR RAR None 1 1 4 Rotate accumulator right through carry
RLC RLC None 1 1 4 Rotate Accumulator Left
RRC RRC None 1 1 4 Rotate Accumulator Right
RET RET None 1 3 10 Return from subroutine unconditionally
RIM RIM None 1 1 4 Read Interrupt Mask
SBB SBB Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Substract source and borrow from accumulator
SBI SBI 8 bit data 2 2 7 Aubstract immediate with borrow
SHLD SHLD 16 bit address 3 5 16 Store H and L registers direct
SIM SIM None 1 1 4 Set Interrupt Mask
SPHL SPHL None 1 1 6 (in 8085),
5(in 8080)
Copy H and L registers to the Stack pointer(SP)
STA STA 16 bit 3 4 13 Store Accumulator Direct
STAX STAX B/D reg. pair 1 2 7 Store Accumulator Indirect
STC STC None 1 1 4 Set Carry
SUB SUB Reg. , Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Substract register or memory from Accumulator
SUI SUI 8 bit data 2 2 7 Substract immediate from accumulator
XCHG XCHG None 1 1 4 Exchange H and L with D and E
XRA XRA Reg., Mem. 1,1 1,2 4,7 Exclusive OR with accumulator
XRI XRI 8 bit data 2 2 7 Exclusive OR immediate with accumulator
XTHL XTHL None 1 5 16 Exchange H and L with top of stack

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