squirrel cage induction motor vs slip ring induction motor | Difference between squirrel cage induction motor and slip ring induction motor

This page compares squirrel cage induction motor vs slip ring induction motor and mentions difference between squirrel cage induction motor and slip ring induction motor.

squirrel cage induction motor slip ring induction motor
Copper losses are low. Copper losses are high.
Starting torque is low but running torque is good. Starting torque is higher.
Efficiency is high as rotor resistance is low. Efficiency is low.
speed can be varied by changing poles. speed can be varied very slightly by changing the rotor's extra resistance.
speed is nearly constant but slightly falls with load. More speed falls with load.
starting current is high. starting current is low.
Application: It is used where low power is needed and speed control is not required. Application: It is only used where high starting torque is required.
Use cases: Printing machinery, saw mill, flour mill, lathe, blower mills Use cases: Rolling mills, flour mills, lifts, cranes etc.


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