This page describes home automation and manufacturers of home automation products,applications,softwares.
Everyone has seen controlling of TV using the remote control which works on infrared technology. Once it was a dream that each appliance in the home can be controlled using remote control including lights, switches, electric meters, fans, curtains, windows, doors, car, washing machine, microwave oven and so on. Now this has become reality with the innovation of zigbee, Z-Wave and lightwave RF technologies. All the home appliances and devices mentioned should be wireless enabled with the technologies listed above in order to control remotely.
This remote control of all home appliances and devices is called home automation. This has made life quite comfortable and enjoyable without much trouble.
It works as per one or more technologies adopted for particular home for automation for example zigbee, z-wave or lightwave RF or combination of these. There are many application softwares available for various devices and operating systems.
Home automation Software and applications
Control4 develops softwares and applications for automation of all the devices right from lighting,home security, temperature and more. For more information on control4 products visit website.
Product vendors/manufacturers/suppliers
Following is the list of home automation product manufacturers based on wireless technologies viz. Zigbee,RFID,wifi,lightwaveRF,Zwave,infrared and so on.
• RFXCOM{RF receivers, transmitters, sensors for home automation.}
• control4
home automation applications/softwares
• BuLogics
• Zonoff
• Savant
• Worthington Distribution
• PowerHouse Alliance
• Philips
• HDI Dune
• Global Cache
• Motorola Mobility/4Home
• Schlage
• 2GIG Technologies
security/home automation
• Actiontec
• Aeon Labs
{lots of Z-Wave goodies }
• Baldwin/Kwikset
{motorized/automated door locks }
• Echo Labs
{ home control/energy management implementer for broadband service providers }
• Evolve Guest Controls
{ lighting, thermostat and other controls for hospitality and residential }
• Fibar Group
• Fujikom
{ Z-Wave LED lights }
• GreenWave Reality
{ energy monitoring and management }
• Kwikset
{ motorized/automated door locks }
• Leviton
{ lighting, other connected devices }
• MiOS
{ a nifty, app-based home automation platform }
• Mitsumi
{ The only Z-Wave chip supplier besides Zensys owner Sigma Designs}
• NorthQ
{ USB home controller }
• Poly-Control
{ motorized/automated door locks }
• Radio Thermostat
{ thermostats }
• RCS Technology
{ arguably the most well-established smart-thermostat maker in the US }
• Remotec
{ remote controls }
• Skyco
{ window coverings }
• Square Connect
{ nifty hub for iOS home control }
• Wintop
{ switches and gadgets }
• Yale
{ motorized/automated door locks }
Refer our following pages in vendors section on zigbee products and zigbee gadgets which mentions
home automation devices as per zigbee technology.
zigbee suppliers:It covers zigbee equipments viz.coordinator,routers,end devices and semiconductor ICs as per WPAN IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
zigbee gadgets: This page covers zigbee gadgets for home automation,healthcare,smart energy,lighting,security,appliances,audio and closures applications.
what is infrared?- Describes infrared and provide infrared applications.
what is Zigbee?-This page describes about what is zigbee,zigbee applications and useful zigbee references.
Bluetooth-This page describes about what is Bluetooth,Bluetooth applications, protocol layers and useful Bluetooth references.
what is Lightwave RF?-This page covers what is lightwave RF and lightwave RF product manufacturers.
what is Z-Wave?-This page covers what is z-wave and z-wave product manufacturers.
List of Bluetooth product companies