Difference between Voltage doubler Voltage tripler Voltage Quadrupler

This page compares Voltage doubler Vs Voltage tripler Vs Voltage Quadrupler and mentions difference between Voltage doubler, Voltage tripler and Voltage Quadrupler.

Introduction : All these circuits function as voltage multiplier. All these circuits convert AC voltage to DC voltage output greater than the peak voltage at the input. It arranges capacitors and diodes such that voltage at the output is equal to multiple of the input voltage. They are used in various applications such as radar, TWT, CRT, Ion pumps etc.

Voltage Doubler

Voltage doubler

• The figure-1 depicts circuit of a voltage doubler.
• In this circuit output voltage (Vout) is two times the Vpeak of the AC input voltage.
• Vout = 2 * Vpeak , Vout is voltage across capacitor(C2)

Voltage Tripler

Voltage tripler

• The figure-2 depicts circuit of a voltage tripler.
• In this circuit output voltage (Vout) is three times the Vpeak of the AC input voltage.
• Vout = Voltage acrorss C2 + Voltage across C3
Hence, Vout = 2* Vpeak + Vpeak

Voltage Quadrupler

Voltage quadrupler

• The figure-3 depicts circuit of a voltage quadrupler.
• In this circuit output voltage (Vout) is four times the Vpeak of the AC input voltage.
• Vout = Voltage acrorss C2 + Voltage across C4
Hence, Vout = 2* Vpeak + 2* Vpeak

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