SigFox vs Wireless M-Bus | Difference between SigFox and Wireless M-Bus

This page compares Sigfox vs Wireless M-Bus and mentions difference between Sigfox and Wireless M-Bus.

Specifications Sigfox Wireless M-Bus
Usage (bytes per day) less than 200 bytes/day (typical),
5 kbytes/day (maximum)
less than 200 bytes/day (typical)
less than 50 kbytes/day (maximum)
data rate (payload) 10 to 100 bps (typical for one message)
less than 50 kbps (max. peak)
2.4 to 4.8 kbps (typical for one message)
19.2 kbps (max.)
Coverage distance 10 to 12 km (city areas)
40 to 60 Km (country side areas)
upto 1 Km (city areas)
upto 7 Km (country side areas)
Frequency bands 433 MHz, 868 MHz m 915 MHz (<1 GHz) 169 MHz
Link budget upto 170 dB (100 bps, 500 mWatt) upto 150 dB (2.4 kbps, 500 mWatt)
Frame size (payload size) 12 bytes (typical) 30 to 130 bytes (typical)
latency max. ms to seconds ms to seconds
applications telemetry and tracking, alarm, control, sensing Smart metering
unique applications supports nomadic (across the cell) and mobility fixed network
RF Wireless World References Refer SIGFOX tutorial>>. Refer What is wireless M-Bus>> and
M-Bus vs Wireless M-Bus>>.

SigFox tutorial RELATED LINKS

SIGFOX Tutorial Main Page   SIGFOX Network Architecture   SIGFOX Protocol Stack   SIGFOX Frame structure   Advantages and Disadvantages of Sigfox   SIGFOX Vs GSM   SIGFOX Vs Wireless M-Bus   SIGFOX technology basics   NB IoT vs SIGFOX vs LoRa  

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