SAIC vs DAIC-difference between SAIC and DAIC in GSM

This page on SAIC vs DAIC describes difference between SAIC and DAIC techniques used in GSM. The useful links to difference between various terms are provided here.

There are different types of interference viz. co-channel interference(CCI), adjacent channel interference(ACI) and inter symbol interference(ISI). CCI and ACI can be viewed in frequency scale and ISI can be viewed in time scale. Refer RF interference for more explanation. SAIC and DAIC techniques as explained below are used for interference cancellation in MIMO based systems.

Any system having multiple outputs from transmitter and multiple inputs into the receiver is known as MIMO. MIMO refers to Multiple Input Multiple Output. Hence for MIMO feature, multiple antennas are needed for transmission and reception.

MIMO Advantages:
• Increased coverage distance and QoS due to array antenna gain as well as diversity gain
• Increased spectral efficiency due to multiplexing gain
• Increased cellular capacity due to co-channel interference reduction

The only disadvantages of using MIMO in mobile handset is space constraint due to provision of multiple antennas. Refer MIMO for more.

SAIC-Single Antenna Interference Cancellation

SAIC is a part of the DARP-I requirement. DARP is the short form of Downlink Advanced Receiver Performance. As we know cellular networks are getting congested due to increase in demand of voice and data customers. Hence there is a need to increase the capacity of the network. This is achieved by breaking large cell into smaller cells to increase the number of physical channels over a geographical area. However this approach will lead to high interference levels mainly due to co-channel interference. The solution to this situation is to use SAIC technique. Refer SAIC technique for more detail on the single antenna interference cancellation.

DAIC-Dual Antenna Interference Cancellation

The DAIC is part of DARP-II requirement. In this technique, signals from two antennas are combined. Using this technique significant amount of interference can be cancelled out. This helps in improvement of average bit error rates and also spectrum efficiency. This technique is also referred as mobile station receive diversity(MSRD) technique.

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RF and Wireless Terminologies