PIN diode basics

PIN diode is one of the many microwave semiconductor devices in use today. This page covers PIN diode basics and its applications.

In a PIN diode, there is a insulating layer between P and N type of materials. Hence PIN diode structure is different than the normal PN junction diode. I region is lightly doped N type region. When forward bias is applied charge carried are injected into Insulating layer from both the P and N regions/layers. Due to lightly doped region in the I layer, small amount of charge carriers are left without combining. Due to this resistivity of the Insulating region is very low.

PIN Diode Applications

PIN diode is used as RF delay line/phase shifter or used as amplitude modulator. The figure describes use of PIN diode as switch in transceiver system. Here common antenna is used for transmit as well as receive operation based on switch position.

Application Note-PIN diode as RF Switch

Refer application note on PIN diode used as RF Switch and RF attenuator.

Microwave related links

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RF and Wireless Terminologies