LoRa Frequency in India: LoRaWAN Network Overview
India's adoption of LoRaWAN networks has enabled transformative IoT applications in smart cities, agriculture and utilities. The frequency bands for LoRa in India, regulated by local authorities, are critical to ensuring efficient, long range communication. This guide discusses the allocated ISM bands for LoRa in India, their characteristics and their role in powering IoT solutions. 865 MHz to 867 MHz LoRa frequency band with 865.0625 MHz, 865.4025 MHz, 865.985 MHz frequency channels are used in INDIA.
LoRaWAN network consists of end devices, gateway and network servers, Join server and application server as shown.

LoRa alliance has published specifications of the LoRaWAN system. It is also managing and maintaining the LoRaWAN specifications.
What is LoRa frequency band in INDIA ?

The table mentions LoRaWAN parameters used in INDIA.
It uses LoRa modulation, Bandwidth (125 KHz), Frequency channels viz.
865.0625 MHz, 865.4025 MHz, 865.985 MHz, Bit rates from 0.3 to 5 Kbps and
three frequency channels.
Following table mentions different data rates used in LoRaWAN.

LORa Frequency band in US, EU, CHINA
• 902 to 928MHz RF Band is used in US.
• 433 to 434 MHz RF band is used in EU region.
• 920.5 to 924.5 MHz, 779 to 787 MHz, 470 to 510 MHz, 433.05 to 434.79 MHz,
314 to 316 MHz, 430 to 432 MHz and 840 to 845 MHz LoRaWAN bands are used in CHINA.
Reference: RP002-1.0.0 LoRaWAN Regional Parameters, www.lora-alliance.org.
The frequency bands allocated for LoRa in India lay the groundwork for scalable and efficient IoT applications. Understanding these frequencies is essential for compliant and optimized network deployments.