eFuse vs PTC fuse | difference between eFuse and PTC fuse

This page compares eFuse vs PTC fuse and mentions difference between eFuse and PTC fuse.

The eFuse, PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) resettable fuse and one shot fuse are overcurrent protection devices in electronics.

What is PTC Fuse ?

When short circuit occurs, PTC resettable fuse heats up and will have transition from low resistance state to high resistance state. When power is removed, this device gets cool down to reset to its low resistance state. One shot fuse works based on melting of metal link during high current event.

PTC fuse are of two types viz. ceramic PTC and polymer PTC. Ceramic types are used in telecom applications where resistance does not change after tripping. Polymer types are used in general electronic applications.

What is eFuse ?

An IC protection solution which overcomes limitations of discrete components based circuit protection is known as eFuse. It consists of FET which limits currents and/or voltages within safe limits during faulty conditions. The operating principle of eFuse is different than one shot or PTC fuse types. The eFuse measures current flowing in the circuit and turn off internal switch when current exceeds specified limit. It does not limit current based entirely on heating unlike other protection devices.

eFuse in circuit
Image Courtesy : Texas Instruments

Refer advantages and disadvantages of eFuse >>.

Difference between eFuse and PTC fuse

Following table mentions difference between eFuse and PTC fuse. This table has been derived from "ON semiconductor" test results based on NIS5132MN2 eFuse and similar polymer PTC device.

Features eFuse PTC fuse (Polymer)
Max. voltage 25 16
Hold current 1.7 A 1.5 A
Trip current 3.0 A 3.0 A
ON resistance 44 mOhm 40 to 110 mOhm

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