RDS vs RBDS | Difference between RDS and RBDS
This page compares RDS vs RBDS and mentions difference between RDS and RBDS.
Introduction : RDS (Radio Data System) is used in Europe where as RBDS (Radio Broadcast Data System) is used USA. These standards are used in FM radio broadcasting to embed small amounts of useful radio related informations in digital form. RDS has been adopted as European standard and specifications are published in CENELEC EN 50067. RDS carries useful radio informations such as alternative frequencies, programme identification, traffic programme identification, traffic announcement, programme type code etc. RDS features are fully included in RBDS standard (US version).
Following points summarize difference between RDS and RBDS versions.
➨RDS stands for Radio Data System where as RBDS stands for Radio Broadcast Data System.
➨Program type (PTY) codes and definitions are different in RDS (used in Europe) and RBDS (used in North America).
➨PI (Program Identification) codes in North America differ in functionality in three ranges.
➨RBDS allows changes to PS (Program Service) name while RDS forbids dynamic changes to PS.
• CENELEC EN 50067:1992: RDS specification (Europe standard)
• US (United States) RBDS Standard (2.0 Draft), NRSC Document Aug. 1992
• Document on RBDS versus RDS - What are the differences and how can receivers cope with both systems?
published by NRSC (National Radio Systems Committee).
➨Refer difference between RDS and RDS2 standard versions.