FM vs DRM+ | Difference between FM and DRM+

This page compares FM vs DRM+ and mentions difference between FM and DRM+ with respect to various parameters.

Introduction: Both FM and DRM+ are used for radio broadcasting. FM is analog technique where as DRM+ is digital technique for radio broadcasts. DRM+ is upgraded version of DRM.

Parameters FM DRM+
Frequency 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz Band II 47 MHz to 68MHz
87.5 MHz to 108 MHz
174 MHz to 230 MHz
Programs per channel 1 1 to 4 (Max.)
Data per channel RBS 1, 2 Kbps Flexible program associated and Non-program associated data rates
Analog Simulcast Not Applicable Supported
Channel Bandwidth 200 KHz 96 KHz
BW capacity Not Applicable 96 Kbps
Modulation type Single carrier FM (-100 KHz to +100 KHz) Multi carrier (106) OFDM, 4 to 16 QAM modulation over -48KHz to +48KHz
Digital data speed (Kbits/sec) NA 120
Spectrum Efficiency (bits/sec/Hz) 1.2 0.7

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difference between DAB and DAB+
difference between DAB and DRM
difference between DRM and DRM+
difference between FM and DAB+
difference between FM and DRM+
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