EnOcean serial protocols | Difference between ESP2 and ESP3

This page compares EnOcean serial protocols viz. ESP2 and ESP3 and mentions difference between ESP2 and ESP3.

Introduction: EnOcean is a wireless energy harvesting technology. EnOcean devices do not require battery for their operations. It works on sub 1 GHz frequency bands (868 MHz, 315 MHz, 902 MHz, 928 MHz) and 2.4 GHz band (for IoT). The standard specifications are defined in ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X. EnOcean and its alliance publishes various specifications which can be downloaded by developers, manufacturers and testing professionals. ESP2 and ESP3 are two versions of EnOcean serial protocols.

ERP (EnOcean Radio Protocol) transmits telegrams after encapsulation either using ESP2 or ESP3. The same can be transfered to UART interface. ESP2 had few limitations. Hence ESP3 has been developed to overcome the limitations of ESP2.

What is ESP3 ?

ESP3 is serial communication protocol which is used between host system and EnOcean RF transceiver. Host systems can be microcontrollers, Gateways or PCs. The communication interface is 3 wired and has signals similar to UART viz. Rx, Tx and GND. This is similar to RS232 i.e. Software handshake based and full duplex mode.

ESP3 supports following functional features.
• Higher Baud rate/Throughput
• Use of CRC-8 in data verification for improvement in data security and data consistency
• Reports number of received subtelegrams
• Reports received signal strength i.e. RF level
• "Optional Data" field for future extensions

Difference between ESP2 and ESP3

Following table summarizes difference between ESP2 and ESP3 serial protocols.

Parameters ESP2 ESP3
Device support 1st generation, Dolphin platform Dolphin platform
UART synchronization (Packet Detection) 2 Bytes 6 Bytes
Maximum payload support 30 bytes Greater than ESP2, 65535 bytes
Speed Device Specific, 9600 Baud (Default) Device Specific, 57600 Baud (Default), 115200 baud, 230400 baud, 460800 baud
Data Types Radio Telegram, Command Telegram Any type of data
Number of data types (Maximum) 8 256
Data verification Checkum 8 bit CRC
Version support Not supported Supported
Data structure Serial telegram Packet

EnOcean wireless technology Related Links

EnOcean technology basics
Advantages and disadvantages of EnOcean Wireless technology
EnOcean Device test and measurement
EnOcean devices
Difference between EnOcean frame,telegram and subtelegram


• EnOcean Radio Protocol-1 V1.2, November 9, 2020
• Visit www.enocean.com for everything you would like to know about EnOcean technology from inventor and pioneer of this energy harvesting wireless technology.
• EnOcean Alliance

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