Difference between Color Sensor and Monochrome Sensor | Color Sensor Vs Monochrome Sensor

This page compares Color Sensor vs Monochrome Sensor and mentions difference between Color Sensor and Monochrome Sensor types.

Both the sensors are used in camera to capture pictures or images. Following section describes working of both of these sensors with unique benefits of each.

Color Sensor

Color sensor

• Color sensor uses array of RGGB palettes. RGGB refers to Red-Green, Green-Blue colors.
• These act as filters for color lights. Hence when green, red and blue lights hit the green filter pixel, only green light is passed through it. It blocks red and blue lights.
• As a result of above, light output in color sensor is less than monochrome sensor.
• The figure-1 depicts the working of a color sensor used in a camera.

Monochrome Sensor

Monochrome sensor

• Monochrome sensor does not use array of RGGB palettes.
• As a result all the color lights are passed through monochrome pixels.
• As a result of above, light output in monochrome sensor is more than color sensor.
• The figure-1 depicts the working of a monochrome sensor used in a camera.

Following are the main difference between color sensor and monochrome sensor.
➨Light output of color sensor is less. Light output of monochrome sensor is more and the light capture capacity depends on quantum efficiency of the monochrome sensor.
Monochrome sensor can capture greater sharpness and details as it passes all the color lights through the photosites. As each photosite passes all the lights, more data are available to produce the image. Moreover demosaicing is also not needed. This leads to better image clarity and less noise.
Color sensor does not capture all the lights through single photosite. This means each photosite in a color sensor captures and stores either color from the RGB spectrum. Later all the colors as filtered by their respective photosites are combined to develop the image using complex algorithm known as demosaicing. As there are less data from each pixel, it leads to poor image clarity and more noise.

Also refer application note on interfacing of color sensor >> with arduino uno board with pin to pin interfacing diagram and source code.

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