What is GCP | Benefits or advantages of Google Cloud Platform
This page covers Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, offerings and features. It mentions benefits or advantages of Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Introduction: Cloud computing allows use of hardware and software tools as service to network users. The users can access cloud files and applications from any internet enabled devices. There are various cloud providers which include Amazon web services, Microsoft Azure, Oracle, SAP, Salesforce and Google cloud.
What is Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ?
Google offers cloud computing services on same infrastructure which it uses for its end user products such as YouTube, Gmail and so on.
Google offers cloud platform services which run on Google hardware. It allows users to connect using public internet or dedicated internet connection. Users can run range of services such as compute, storage, machine learning, CDN, Big data, databases, IoT (Internet of Things), security, applications etc. at affordable costs. The GCP allows software developers, administrators and IT professionals to use various Google platform services with improved performance.

The figure depicts Google Cloud Platform i.e. GCP Services.
Compute Engine : It helps to create and run virtual machines (VMs) on infrastructure offered by google. It is secured and customizable service. App. Engine is a
PaaS service which helps to build web applications and mobile backends.
Storage and Databases : It helps for object storage of all sizes by companies.
The same can be retrieved as often as users like. It helps to host relational MySQL databases on Google infrastructure.
It provides NoSQL Big Data database service with low latency and high throughput for large workloads.
Networking : GCP supports Google cloud virtual network. cloud load balancing and cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network).
Big Data : It supports BigQuery, cloud dataflow and dataproc.
Machine Learning : Machine learning models can be made using TensorFlow framework. It supports cloud vision API for image recognition and classification.
It supports cloud speech API to convert audio to text and vice versa. The other features include Vision AI, Vertex AI,
video AI, AutoML etc.
Identity and security : It supports Google cloud IAM, Cloud resource Manager, cloud key management, Titan security key,
cloud security scanner and so on. Cloud IAM allows administrators to authorize who can manage resources and auditing.
IoT (Internet of Things) : Cloud IoT core offers IoT device management, integration and connection service. Edge TPU
allows to run AI at the edge. Edge TPU is a purpose built ASIC designed by Google.
Developer Tools : It supports various tools which include Artifact registry, cloud build, cloud scheduler, cloud code, cloud SDK etc.
Management Tools : It supports various tools which include Cloud APIs, Cloud mobile app, cloud shell, cloud console, cost management etc.
Migration : It supports application migration, database migration service, VMware Engine, BigQuery data transfer service etc.
Serverless computing : It supports cloud run which offers fully managed environment for running containerized apps.
Media and Gaming : It provides Game server management service running on Google Kubernetes Engine.
It supports OpenCure which provides open source render manager for visual effects and animation.
➨Visit cloud.google.com to know more about Google Cloud and
its numerous features.
Google cloud offerings or services
There are various ways customers can start for free with Google cloud as mentioned below.
Check out "cloud.google.com" for more information.
1. Google provide $300 free credit for new customers.
2. Start deploying pre-built solutions for free.
3. Try 20+ free products for all customers.
There are numerous free tier products as mentioned below.
• Compute Engine• Cloud Storage• BigQuery• Google Kubernetes Engine
• Cloud Run • CLoud Build • Firestore• Pub/Sub• Vision AI • Speech to text
• AutoML Transition• Cloud Source Repositories• Cloud Shell and so on.
Benefits or advantages of Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Following are the benefits or advantages of Google Cloud Platform (GCP):
➨It has better pricing compared to its competitor cloud solutions. It offers cost effective solutions for various use cases.
➨It is very fast which increases performance of executing the project.
➨It offers live migration of applications.
➨GCP provides innovative solutions in Big data, AI and machine learning in comparison to other competitors.
➨It offers many benefits such as high productivity, work from anywhere, quick collaboration,
high security, fewer data stored on vulnerable devices, reliable resources to be used by geographically distributed
➨It is very flexible and hence organizations can scale up and down use of services and resources as per their requirements.