Automotive Frequency Bands | Automotive Band | USA,Europe

This page covers Automotive Bands used in USA. It also mentions Automotive Bands used in Europe.

Automotive Bands USA

Following table-1 mentions Automotive bands utilized in US (United States). This table include bands used for Automotive radar applications.

Automotive Frequency Spectrum Applications
48 KHz Used for ultrasonic e.g. parking
433 MHz, 868 MHz Used for RF e.g. remote keyless entry
1575.42 MHz, 1227.6 MHz, 1176.45 MHz Used for GNSS e.g. GPS applications globally
800 MHz used for cellular application e.g. Onstar
24 GHz Radar covers 0.2m to 20m
76 to 77 GHz Radar covers 1m to 150m
76 to 81GHz Reserved for future automotive radar applications
wavelength 532nm/1550nm LIDAR
Visual Spectrum Video camera

Automotive Bands Europe

Following table-2 mentions Automotive bands utilized in Europe.

Frequency Spectrum Applications
48 KHz Same as above as per table-1
433 MHz, 868 MHz As mentioned in table-1
1575.42 MHz, 1207.14 MHz, 1176.45 MHz, 1278.75 MHz Used for GNSS e.g. Galileo
24GHz Radar
76 to 81 GHz Radar
532nm/1550nm LIDAR
Visual Spectrum Video camera

Other Radio frequencies and Wireless Frequency Bands

Following are the radio frequencies and wireless frequency bands for technologies which include Zigbee, Satellite, LTE, UMTS, Bluetooth, WBAN, LoRA, LiFi, GSM, WiFi etc.
Zigbee Frequency Bands
Satellite Frequency Bands
LTE Frequency Bands
UMTS Frequency Bands
Bluetooth Frequencies
WBAN Frequency Bands
LoRa Frequency Bands
LiFi Wavelength Bands
GSM Frequencies
WiFi Radio Frequency Channels

RF and Wireless Terminologies