List of Sensors used in Arduino Board | Arduino Sensors List
This page describes List of sensors used in Arduino board based projects. The Arduino Sensors list covers temperature, humidity, ultrasonic, sound, water, collision, color, wireless related sensors used in arduino board based projects.
About Arduino Board
• It is microcontroller based board which uses ATmega328 microcontroller chip.
• It has 14 digital input/output pins out of which 6 pins can be used as PWM,
6 analog inputs, 16 MHz crystal, USB port and power jack, ICSP header and reset button.
• It is easy to program using computer after connecting it using USB cable.
It can be powered ON either using USB cable or power adapter or battery.

It is used for wide variety of applications including 3D printing, wearable devices, IoT applications and more. Many sensors can be interfaced with arduino board as per various applications such as temperature/humidity monitoring, motion sensing, distance measurement using ultrasonic waves, heart rate sensing, water level sensing, flame sensing, gas sensing, color sensing and so on.
About Sensors
The sensor is a device which detects change in some parameters and converts it into
measurable signal which can be used for some purpose.
As it converts one parameter to the other it is also known as transducer.
For example, thermistor which is basically a temperature sensor can be used to
measure change in temperature by detecting change in resistance.
Motion sensor is used to sense motion of object or person.
Motion sensors are mainly of two types viz. active and passive based on its working
Sensor or transducer converts one form of energy into another form of energy.
Refer Article on Sensors and Transducers >>
for more information.
Arduino Sensors List
Following table mentions arduino sensors list along with description and link for further study.
Arduino Sensors | Functional Description |
Temperature and Humidity Sensor | This sensor type is used to measure ambient temperature or humidity and arduino takes the data and display or perform some desired function as per programming done by user. LCD can be interfaced with the board in order to display these parameters i.e. temperature and humidity. Refer Temperature Sensor >> and Humidity Sensor >> for more information. |
Ultrasonic distance sensor | It transmits sound waves at ultrasonic frequency towards object and receives the reflected echo. It measures the distance of the object from sensor by comparing received echo with the transmitted signal. This sensor is used with arduino in automatic car parking system, robot design and so on. Refer Ultrasonic Sensor >> |
Infrared emission sensor | This is used for remote controlling applications such as controlling TV or another arduino board. Refer Infrared Sensor >> for more information. |
Sound sensor | This sensor type is used to sense surrounding sound and is used for voice changer projects. Sound Sensor >> |
Optical sensor | Sensing of light is known as optical sensing. The sensor used for optical sensing is known as optical sensor. Optical sensor converts light rays into electrical signal. It uses photo-resistor for its operation. Refer Optical Sensor >> |
Gas sensor | Various types of gas sensors are used for detection of different gas types. It converts chemical information in the gas into measurable electronic signals such as voltage, current or frequency. These sensors are useful to measure emission levels of gases which are essential to keep them within limits for the safety of human beings. Refer Gas Sensors >> for more information. |
Water sensor | There are different water sensors used for water level sensing and water flow rate sensing. |
Line follower sensor | This sensor type is used to track the line. It can track white line in black background or black line in white background depending upon programming and use of sensors on the arduino board. |
Motion sensor | There two types of motion sensors viz. active and passive which are used for sensing the motion of object or person. Refer Motion Sensor >> |
Wireless sensor | There are various sensors used for wireless applications such as RFID, zigbee, zwave etc. Refer Wireless Sensor networks >> and Wireless Sensor >> for more information. |
Color sensor | The sensor device which does color sensing is known as color sensor. It works based on principle of wavelength identification of different colors. Color sensor based systems are used for quality control applications in the textile industries. Color Sensor basics >> and Pros and Cons of Color Sensor >> |
Light intensity sensor | It is used to measure light intensity in units of lux in the range from 0.1 to 40K lux. |
Barcode reader or scanner module | There are barcode readers or sensors interfaced with arduino board, Refer Barcode and QR code sensing >> for more information. |
Arduino Interfacing with sensors
Line follower robot using arduino Arduino interfacing with heartbeat sensor ESP32 interfacing with Gas Sensor Arduino interfacing with LDR sensor Arduino interfacing with GPS sensor Arduino interfacing with Color sensor Arduino interfacing with pH sensor Arduino interfacing with Gyro sensor
Different types of Sensors Related links
Article on Sensors and Transducers>> Proximity Sensor Occupancy Sensor vs Motion Sensor LVDT and RVDT sensor Position, displacement and level sensor force sensor and strain sensor temperature sensor pressure sensor Humidity sensor MEMS sensor Touch sensor Haptic sensor Wireless sensor
Advantages and Disadvantages of other Sensor Types
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