Air Pollution Sensor basics | Air Pollution Sensor types | Air Pollution Sensor Manufacturers

This page describes Air Pollution Sensor basics and mentions Air Pollution Sensor types and applications. The manufacturers or vendors of Air Pollution Sensor are also covered.

The sensor used to detect and monitor presence of air pollution in the surrounding area is known as air pollution sensor.

• The pollution sensor can be used for indoors as well as outdoors.
• The sensors are used to monitor components such as ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen diooxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), lead (Pb) and particular matters (PM).
• EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has identified these pollutants as "criteria pollutants" due to their impact on public health and environment.
• Due to advancement in the technology, sensors are becoming cheaper now-a-days.
• The sensors are used to control the certain environmental issues. For example, they are used to check pollution levels emitted by vehicles in order to verify their emission levels against standard limits.
• The affordable sensor mounted devices are used by individuals in order to monitor air quality levels indoors.
• Sensors are used and monitored with mobile apps with latest wireless technologies such as bluetooth, wifi etc.

Air Pollution Sensors

Air Pollution Sensor Applications

Following are the applications of air pollution sensors.
• Research : scientific studies to discover new information in air pollution.
• Personal Exposure monitoring: To monitor air quality which individuals are exposed with while performing normal activities.
• Supplementing existing Monitoring data: Mounting of sensors outdoors for monitoring purpose.
• Source Identification and Characterization: To establish possible emission sources by monitoring near suspected source.
• Education: science, math lessons
• Information/Awareness: For informal air quality awareness

Air Pollution Sensor types

Following are the most common types of air pollution sensors. Figure-1 depicts ozone and gas sensor types.
• PM Sensors: They can detect particular matter having diameters ranging between 2.5 and 10 µm (called PM10) and less than 2.5µm (called PM2.5). They are widely used by hobbyists.
• Ozone (O3) sensor: They are used to monitor ozone levels. Breathing ozone can trigger variety of health issues such as chest pain, throat irritation, coughing etc.
• Lead (Pb) Sensor: Pb can damage the nervous system and consecutively results into IQ loss and negative impacts on learning of the childrens. It causes cardiovascular and renal effects as well as anemia in adults. Pb sensors help monitor Pb levels.
• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Sensor: The SO2 contributes to acidification of soil and surface water. It causes damage to vegetation. SO2 sensor monitors SO2 levels.
• Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) sensor: It monitors NO2 level.
• Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensor: It monitors CO level. The CO reduces amount of oxygen reaching organs and tissues of human beings. Moreover it contributes to formation of CO2 and ozone.
• Volatile Organic Compounds sensor: The sensors help in monitoring toxic air pollutants which can cause cancer and/or other serious health issues.
• Mercury (Hg) sensor: The sensor is used to monitor Hg levels. Hg is deposited onto soil and into rivers, lakes and oceans.
• Other toxic air pollutants measuring sensors such as Benzene.

Air Pollution Sensor manufacturers

Following table mentions popular manufacturers of air pollution sensors.

Manufacturers Description
Sharp Corporation
Aeroqual Limited Auckland 1026
New Zealand
uHoo Email:
Amphenol Corporation. Website:
Texas Instruments

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