Advantages of WAN | disadvantages of WAN
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of WAN. It mentions WAN advantages or benefits and WAN disadvantages or drawbacks. WAN stands for Wide Area Network.
What is WAN?
The WAN is a network which is a collection of LANs and other network types
connected using router. It covers large geographical distance compare to LAN and MAN types.
There many types of WAN (Wide Area Network) viz. private network, value added service, PSDN, PSTN, ISDN etc. Many different techniques are used in WAN viz. wireless WAN, cell relay, circuit switching, packet switching, leased line etc. Based on distance covered, the computer networks are divided into three main parts viz. LAN, MAN and WAN. Among these types, WAN has largest coverage of about 1000Km or unlimited based on WAN technologies. The data rate depends on wireless technologies or standards viz. wifi, zigbee, LoRa, Satellite etc. Refer difference between LAN vs WAN vs MAN>>.
Benefits or advantages of WAN
Following are the benefits or advantages of WAN:
➨WAN covers larger geographical area.
Hence business offices situated at longer distances can
easily communicate.
➨Like LAN, it allows sharing
of resources and application softwares among distributed workstations or users.
➨The software files are shared among all the users.
Hence all will have access to latest files. This avoids use of
previous versions by them.
➨Organizations can form their global integrated network through WAN.
Moreover it supports global markets and global businesses.
➨The emergence of IoT (Internet of Things) and advanced wireless technologies such as
LAN or LAN-Advanced have made it easy for the growth of WAN based devices. Messages
can be sent very quickly across the globe with the help of applications such as
whatsApp, facebook messenger etc.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of WAN
Following are the disadvantages of WAN:
➨Initial investment costs are higher.
➨It is difficult to maintain the network.
It requires skilled technicians and network administrators.
➨There are more errors and issues due to wide coverage and use of different technologies.
Often it requires more time to resolve issues due to
involvement of multiple wired and wireless technologies.
➨It has lower security compare to LAN and MAN due to wider
coverage and use of more technologies.
➨Security is big concern and requires use of firewall and
security softwares/protocols at
multiple points across the entire system. This will avoid
chances of hacking by intruders.
Also refer advantages and disadvantages of LAN (Local Area Network)>> and MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)>>.
Advantages and Disadvantages of other wireless technologies
Networking Links
• Circuit Switching vs Packet switching • Packet Switching vs Message switching • What is an IP address • What is MAC Address • Basics of OSI and TCP-IP Layers • What is Hub • What is Switch • What is Bridge • What is Router • What is Gateway • Firewall basics • TCP-IP Packet format • ARP Protocol format
What is Difference between
FTP vs HTTP FTP vs SMTP FTP vs TFTP hub Vs. switch TCP vs UDP