Advantages of wireless communication | disadvantages of Wireless Communication
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of wireless communication. It mentions benefits or advantages of wireless communication and drawbacks or disadvantages of wireless communication.
The term wireless refers to communication without wires.
In order to transmit information (voice or data) using wireless communication we need antenna.
The antenna is the device which couples RF energy from one medium (i.e. waveguide, transmission line etc.)
to the other medium (i.e. air).
We require two systems viz. transmitter and receive to complete end to end wireless link.
Wireless communication uses electromagnetic waves as medium for carrying the information through the channel
between transmitter and receiver.
The figure-1 depicts main components of the wireless communication system. Refer what is wireless➤ and wireless system overview➤ for more information.
Advantages of Wireless Communication
Following are the advantages of Wireless Communication:
➨Flexibility: As wireless frequency penetrates the walls, wireless networks are easy to install anywhere based on choice.
This flexibility is one of the great benefits of wireless network where wired cable can not be installed.
➨Easy Installation: Wireless networks are easy to install and easy to maintain compare to messy wired counterparts.
This will help when network grows and will have hundreds to thousands of customers.
➨Network Planning: Wireless network planning is very easy compare to
wired network due to wireless software configuration of frequency, power and other parameters.
➨Location: Wireless communication helps in connecting remote inaccessible areas
behind the walls or buildings or hilly terrains.
➨Mobility: The great benefit of wireless communication is mobility of usage
unlike wired communication.
➨Price: The wireless communication end devices are available at very low cost
due to competition in handset manufacturing segment.
Disadvantages of Wireless Communication
Following are the disadvantages of Wireless Communication:
➨Wireless signals can be easily hacked and hence it will hamper privacy.
To avoid this, security algorithms (AES, WEP, WAP2) and modulation techniques (FHSS, DSSS)
are employed in wireless networks.
➨The earlier wireless networks were slower. Now-a-days wireless LANs with advanced standards such as
IEEE 802.11ac and 802.11ad are available which provides same performance as traditional ethernet based LANs.
➨Wireless networks require careful radio frequency planning at the beginning of the installation.
➨Wireless communication is subject to interference.
There are various receiver techniques and modulation techniques which make wireless system robust against
any kind of interference.
We have studied advantages of wireless communication and disadvantages of wireless communication.
Refer wired vs wireless➤ which provides more insights into
comparison between wired communication and wireless communication.
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