Advantages of TWT, disadvantages of TWT, Traveling Wave Tube

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of TWT (Traveling Wave Tube). It mentions TWT advantages or benefits and TWT disadvantages or drawbacks. It provides links on various topics on Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs).

What is TWT?

It is one of the preferred microwave amplifier device used from 300 MHz to 50 GHz range. It provides gain upto about 40dB with single device. TWTs are of two types viz. helix type and coupled cavity type. Helix TWTs are used for powers upto 2.5 KW and coupled cavity TWTs are used for powers upto 15 KW.

TWT-Traveling Wave Tube

The working principle of traveling wave tube is similar to klystron. Refer TWT basics >>.

Benefits or advantages of TWT

Following are the benefits or advantages of TWT:
➨It is wideband device due to use of non-resonant wave circuits. It operates from 300 MHz to 50 GHz range.
➨It is low noise device.
➨It provides higher gain. The gain levels upto 40 dB can be achieved with single device.
➨It delivers moderate peak power and average peak power.
➨Coupled cavity TWT can deliver efficiencies upto 60% and gain upto 70 dB. Moreover it can provide peak power ouput from tens of KW to thousands of KW and average power upto tens of KW.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of TWT

Following are the disadvantages of TWT:
➨It operates at lower efficiencies.
➨In coupled cavity TWT, coupling effect takes place between the cavities.
➨Helix TWT has limitation on high peak power due to helix wire thickness. This limitation can be overcome by using coupled cavity TWT. This TWT type uses series of coupled cavities arranged axially along the beam instead of helix.

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