Advantages of Satellite Navigation System | disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System and its basics. It mentions benefits or advantages of Satellite Navigation System and drawbacks or disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System.

What is Satellite Navigation System?

The satellite constellation is used to determine location on the earth. Moreover it helps in navigation from one place to the other similar to stars used in earlier days. Following are the four global navigation satellite systems known as GNSSes.
• GPS by USA
• GLONASS by Russia
• Galileo by European Union
• BeiDou by China

The two regional satellite navigation systems are as follows.
• QZSS (Quasi Zenith Satellite System) developed by Japan
• IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System), iNavIC is another system developed and operated by ISRO. The iNavIC covers INDIA and nearby regions upto coverage of about 1500 Km.

 GPS system

The satellite navigation system has three major segments.
• Space segment : It consists of network of satellites.
• Control segment : It consists of ground control network with antennas, monitor and control stations to manage satellites.
• User segment: It consists of receiver circuit in your hand device (i.e. GPS chip) or on your vehicle.
Each satellites used in navigation system carries extremely precise atomic clocks which calculates time of travel of the signal from satellite to the location on the earth. Every signal from satellites to the GPS receiver on the earth contains information about the satellite it originated from and time stamp which indicates its originating time instant. If GPS receiver picks up three or four such satellite signals, the precise location along with altitude can easily be estimated. Refer GPS tutorial➤ for more information.

Benefits or advantages of Satellite Navigation System

Following are the benefits or advantages of Satellite Navigation System:
➨It helps people to reach their destinations.
➨It helps to track parcels, stolen vehicles, missing persons, properties etc.
➨It helps to improve vehicle traffic flow by guiding drivers about possible congested routes.
➨It helps in scientific research in meteorology, troposphere, geodesy.
➨It helps users in shopping by providing nearby retail outlets.
➨There is no charge or fees to be paid by users to avail this service.
➨The service is available anytime and anywhere. Moreover it is calibrated by its own and easy to be used by anyone.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System

Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System:
➨The receiver on the device consumes more power and hence need battery or recharging.
➨The GPS signal can not pass through walls or solid structure. Hence it is difficult to make use of this service in indoor locations such as underground stores, deep inside rooms, dense tree regions, under water etc.
➨GPS accuracy depends on several factors such as multipath, interference from EM waves and so on. Hence it gives error of about 5-10 meters.
➨It is in the hand of USA to allow or deny the GPS service to the users.

Conclusion: In order to understand advantages of Satellite Navigation System and disadvantages of Satellite Navigation System one has to understand advantages and disadvantages of GPS System.


GPS Frame structure
GPS Receiver Chip
What is GPS
GPS Antenna
GPS Receiver Module
GPS Satellite
GPS Tracking System

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