Advantages of RF Facial Treatment | Disadvantages of RF Facial Treatment
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of RF Facial Treatment. It mentions RF Facial Treatment advantages and RF Facial Treatment disadvantages.
RF Facial Treatment Introduction:
It uses radio frequency (i.e. RF) for the treatment of
various skin related ailments. It lies from 3KHz to 300GHz frequency range in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Other than Facial treatment; RF is used for wide variety of applications
including mobile communication, radio, television, medical,
home automation etc.
Advantages of RF Facial Treatment
Following are the advantages of RF Facial Treatment:
➨It helps in skin tightening and
hence helps in looking good and young.
➨It does not require any surgery and
hence saves both time and cost.
➨Modern RF equipments help in
fast treatment at affordable rates.
➨Due to modern technologies rf equipments
are available everywhere.
➨It helps in reduction of fats and helps in contour reshaping.

Also refer RF Skin Tightening>> for more information.
Disadvantages of RF Facial Treatment
Following are the disadvantages of RF Facial Treatment:
➨The rf treatment has minor side effects.
➨It has radiation which should be
taken care so that it does not affect other parts
of the body.
➨It requires skilled operators or
radiologists to diagnose the human beings.
➨It can not be applied to all
the patients. It requires proper analysis
before the start of treatment.
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