Advantages of Forward Error Correction | disadvantages of Forward Error Correction
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Forward Error Correction (FEC). It mentions Forward Error Correction advantages or benefits and Forward Error Correction (FEC) disadvantages or drawbacks.
What is Forward Error Correction (FEC)?
• FEC is a technique used for error control in data transmission.
• The sender adds redundant data to its messages (error correction code).
• The receiver uses this redundant data to correct erroneous messages.
• Following are the examples of FEC techniques used in the transmitter and receiver.

• Example #1: Convolution encoder at transmitter side and viterbi decoder at receiver side.
• Example #2: CTC encoder at transmitter side and CTC decoder at receiver side.
• Example #3: LDPC encoder at transmitter side and LDPC decoder at receiver side.
Benefits or advantages of Forward Error Correction (FEC)
Following are the benefits or advantages of Forward Error Correction (FEC):
➨It offers high degree of fault tolerance. FEC decreases the Bit Error Rate (BER).
➨It eliminates requirement of back channel. Hence ARQ can be avoided.
➨It can be implemented using simple logic.
➨It is cost efficient technique and can be implemented initially
using software and later on hardware.
➨It delivers fast results based on its algorithm.
➨FEC code can function in realtime to detect errors and correct them.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Forward Error Correction (FEC)
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Forward Error Correction (FEC):
➨It adds data redundancy to the link budget.
➨It is power efficient system but not bandwidth efficient due to overhead usage of the data.
Forward Error Correction and Error detection related links
Forward Error Correction
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