AWG to Metric Conversion chart | AWG to Metric Conversion table

This page covers AWG to Metric conversion chart. The AWG to Metric conversion table mentions AWG as input and gives cable diameter (in inch, mm) and cable cross sectional area(in square mm) as outputs.

The table-1 below mentions input and outputs required to translate AWG to metric equivalents (i.e. inch, mm and square mm). This is for cable with copper used as material for its construction.

Following equations can be used to convert AWG to metric units.
Cable diamter, Dn (mm) = 0.127 x 92(36-n)/39
Cable or Wire cross sectional area An (in square mm) = (π/4)* Dn2
Cable diamter, Dn (inch) = 0.005 x 92(36-n)/39

AWG to Metric Conversion table

AWG Diameter in inch Diameter in mm Area in mm2
0000 0.4600 11.6840 107.2193
000 (3/0) 0.4096 10.4049 85.0288
00 (2/0) 0.3648 9.2658 67.4309
0 (1/0) 0.3249 8.2515 53.4751
1 0.2893 7.3481 42.4077
2 0.2576 6.5437 33.6308
3 0.2294 5.8273 26.6705
4 0.2043 5.1894 21.1506
5 0.1819 4.6213 16.7732
6 0.1620 4.1154 13.3018
7 0.1443 3.6649 10.5488
8 0.1285 3.2636 8.3656
9 0.1144 2.9064 6.6342
10 0.1019 2.5882 5.2612
11 0.0907 2.3048 4.1723
12 0.0808 2.0525 3.3088
13 0.0720 1.8278 2.6240
14 0.0641 1.6277 2.0809
15 0.0571 1.4495 1.6502
16 0.0508 1.2908 1.3087
17 0.0453 1.1495 1.0378
18 0.0403 1.0237 0.8230
19 0.0359 0.9116 0.6527
20 0.0320 0.8118 0.5176
21 0.0285 0.7229 0.4105
22 0.0253 0.6438 0.3255
23 0.0226 0.5733 0.2582
24 0.0201 0.5106 0.2047
25 0.0179 0.4547 0.1624
26 0.0159 0.4049 0.1288
27 0.0142 0.3606 0.1021
28 0.0126 0.3211 0.0810
29 0.0113 0.2859 0.0642
30 0.0100 0.2546 0.0509
31 0.0089 0.2268 0.0404
32 0.0080 0.2019 0.0320
33 0.0071 0.1798 0.0254
34 0.0063 0.1601 0.0201
35 0.0056 0.1426 0.0160
36 0.0050 0.1270 0.0127
37 0.0045 0.1131 0.0100
38 0.0040 0.1007 0.0080
39 0.0035 0.0897 0.0063
40 0.0031 0.0799 0.0050

This chart is very useful as a calculator to convert AWG to metric equivalent units.

coaxial line basics, transitions and calculators

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RF and Wireless Terminologies