ADS-B vs ADS-R | Difference between ADS-B and ADS-R

This page compares ADS-B vs ADS-R describes difference between ADS-B and ADS-R. ADS is short form of Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast. The benefits or advantages of ADS-B system are also mentioned.

What is ADS-B?

• It is technology which uses satellite navigation systems (e.g. GNSS, GPS) to determine its position and periodically broadcasts it. This makes it possible to track the aircraft and to avoid collision between aircrafts.
• This system provides accurate position of aircraft to ATC (Air Traffic Controller) and other aircrafts.

ADS-B system

• GPS devices mounted on the aircraft receives signals from GNSS satallites to determine aircraft's location.
• This information is broadcasted to ADS-B ground stations as well as to other nearby aircrafts. This information is transmitted continuously almost in realtime.
• Other than location, ADS-B provides speed, altitude and other 30-40 parameters to ground stations and ATCs (Air Traffic Controllers).
• It provides information to aircraft tracking applications.

FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has approved two systems for ADS-B. They are UAT (Universal Access Transceiver) and Mode-S transponder. UAT operates at 978MHz where as Mode-S transponder operates at 1090 MHz.

What is ADS-R?

• ADS-R stands for Automatic Dependent Surveillance Rebroadcast.
• It takes position information received on the ground from UAT equipped aircraft and rebroadcasts it on 1090 MHz.
• Similarly, ADS-R rebroadcasts 1090MHz data to UAT users.
• In concert with TIS-B, ADS-R provides all ADS-B in equipped aircraft with comprehensive airspace and airport surface traffic picture.
• ADS-R delivers traffic data within 15 nm ( nautical mile ) radius 5000 feet above or below relative to receiving aircraft's position.
• Here TIS-B stands for Traffic Information Service-Broadcast. This air traffic advisory service provides the ground track, altitude, speed and distance of the aircraft flying in radar contact with controllers and within a 15 nm radius and upto 3500 feet above or below the receiving aircraft's position.

Benefits or Advantages of ADS-B system

Though ADS-B system is very expensive, following are the benefits or advantages of ADS-B system. It provides improved safety by following.
➨It offers radar like IFR separation where radars can not reach.
➨It provides more accurate search as well as rescue response.
➨It helps pilots to avoid collision with other aircrafts.
➨It provides real time cockpit weather and airspace display.

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