AC transmission vs DC transmission | Difference between AC transmission and DC transmission

This page compares AC transmission vs DC transmission mentions difference between AC transmission and DC transmission with respect to their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of DC Transmission

Following are the advantages of DC Transmission:
• It needs only 2 conductors for transmission.
• DC transmission does not suffer from problems of inductance, capacitance and phase displacement usually found in AC transmission.
• Voltage drop in DC transmission is less than AC transmission for same load and transmitting end voltage.
• Entire cross section of conductor is utilized in DC transmission as there is no skin effect exists here.
• DC lines experience less stress compare to AC lines for the same value of voltage insulating materials.
• DC lines have less corona loss as well as reduced interference in communication electronics.
• DC transmission system is stable unlike unstable AC transmission system.

Disadvantages of DC Transmission

Following are the disadvantages of DC Transmission:
• Generation of power at high DC voltages is difficult due to commutation problems. Moreover it can not be usefully utilized at consumer load.
• Step up or step down transformation of DC voltages is not possible in equipments such as transformer.

Advantages of AC Transmission

Following are the advantages of AC Transmission:
• Power can be generated at high voltages as there is no commutation problem.
• AC voltages can be conveniently stepped up or stepped down.
• High voltage AC transmission power reduces losses.

Disadvantages of AC Transmission

Following are the disadvantages of AC Transmission:
• Problems of inductances and capacitances exist in transmission lines.
• Due to skin effect more copper is needed for transmission.
• Construction of AC transmission lines is more complex as well as costly.
• The effective resistance of AC transmission lines is increased due to skin effect.


Variable capacitor  Variable resistor  Transformer basics and types  Ohm law  Resistor basics  Electrolytic capacitor  Capacitor basics  Inductor basics  Relay  Reed Switch  SCR or thyristor  Halfwave rectifier vs Fullwave rectifier 

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