Tilt Sensor working | Tilt Sensor types | Tilt sensor applications
This page on tilt sensor types and basics cover tilt sensor working and tilt sensor applications. The working operation of mercury tilt sensor and Ball based tilt sensor are described.
What is Tilt sensor?
• Definition: The sensor which senses angle or inclination of device housing it with respect to downward force of
gravity is known as tilt sensor. It is also known as tilt switch or tipover switch.
• Due to its function it is also known by other names such as inclinometer or accelerometer.
• The types of tilt sensors are described below.
• Unlike tilt switch, tilt sensor is not built an electromechanical switch.
• It is easy to interface
tilt sensor with microcontroller or logic gates to evaluate signals from it in order to determine its
• The figure depicts two popular tilt sensors viz. mercury based and steel ball based.
• A small tilt switch or sensor can be used in conjunction with a relay or transistor to amplify its signal
sufficiently to drive a larger load.
• Most of the tilt sensors are SPST (normally open) or SPST (normally close) types, minority of them are
Tilt switch or Tilt sensor applications
Following are the Tilt sensor applications.
• Tilt sensing for remote controls
• Rotating display adjustment in smart phones and tablets.
• Robotic movement
• Alarm systems
• Light switches containing mercury switches
• To indicate orientation of consumer electronic devices such as digital cameras.
• It is used in aircrafts to indicate position of aircraft with respect to the Earth during landing, takeoff and during
• It is used to stop electric fuel pump if the motorcycle falls on its side.
• Four tilt switches are used in game controller with a joystick
Tilt sensor Types | tilt switch types
Following are the types of tilt sensors based on their construction and principles of operation.
Let us understand tilt sensor working principle.
• Single axis, single output: The sensor responds to being tilted around one horizontal axis, relative to the downward force of gravity.
• Dual axis, dual output: The sensor contains two sensing elements at 90 degrees to each other.
Each has an output which is determined by its angle of tilt from vertical around one axis.
• Dual axis, single output: A single sensor responds to an angle of tilt from vertical around any horizontal axis.
Mercury tilt sensor
• These are earlier days tilt switches which use blob of mercury in a glass tube.
• When the bulb is tilted, mercury rolled to the end and makes
electrical connection between two metal contacts which are penetrated inside the bulb for the purpose.
• Advantages: Mercury is excellent electrical conductor. It offers long operating life usually 100 years.
• Disadvantages: Mercury is hazardous substance to the environment. Hence its use is
Ball based tilt sensor
• It is the most common type of tilt sensor or tilt switch.
• It consists of a cylindrical metal or plastic enclosure containing two spherical steel balls. These balls may be nickel
plated or gold plated.
• When the switch is tilted, balls eventually move downward. Hence lower ball makes electrical connection between
the two contacts or with single contact & metal enclosure. The second ball is included to add weight and
suppress vibration in the first.
• Surface mount tilt sensors are available with 2 axis. It contains one IR LED, two phototransistors, and small ball which
moves when the sensor is rotated.
Refer tilt sensor working of surface mount ball type >>.
Other tilt sensor types
Following are other types of tilt sensors.
• Force balance sensors
• Electrolytic tilt sensors
• Solid state sensors
• Capacitive tilt sensors
• Accelerometers
Also refer advantages and disadvantages of tilt sensor or tilt switch for more information.
Basics and Types of Sensors
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