Advantages of Quantum dot solar cell | disadvantages of Quantum dot solar cell

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Quantum dot solar cell including its working. It mentions Quantum dot solar cell advantages or benefits and Quantum dot solar cell disadvantages or drawbacks.

What is Quantum dot solar cell? | Working principle

Quantum dots capture excess photon energy which is normally lost to heat generation through the process called multiple exciton generation. The incident light radiations enter through the transparent electrode of a quantom dot solar cell onto a light absorbing layer of dots in order to create electron hole pairs (e-/h+). The charged particles then seperate and eventually travel to their respective electrodes thereby producing electric current. The figure-1 depicts structure and working of Quantum dot solar cell.

Quantum Dot Solar Cell working

Quantum dots are made from electro-optically active materials, whose size as well as composition controls the photon energy which they interact with, allowing their absorption (and emission) wavelength to be tuned by particle size. These can be tuned to deliver multiple electron-hole pairs from one single photon. This process is called multiple exciton generation. This process allows quantum dot solar cell to operate at 10% efficiency. Quantum dots have bandgaps which are tunable across a wide range of energy levels by changing the quantum dot size. Refer advantages and disadvantages of Quantum dots >> used for solar cell construction.

Benefits or advantages of Quantum dot solar cell

Following are the benefits or advantages of Quantum dot solar cell:
➨Favourable power to weight ratio
➨High efficiency
➨Mass and area savings as well as flexibility leads to miniaturisation.
➨Lower power consumption
➨Increased electrical performance at low production costs.
➨It can be used in complete buildings including windows and not just rooftops.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Quantum dot solar cell

Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Quantum dot solar cell:
➨CdSe based quantum dot solar cells are highly toxic in nature and require very stable polymer shell.
➨In aqueous and UV conditions its degradation increases. This is being studied.
➨The shells can alter optical properties and it is hard to control the size of the particles.

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