Python | List Processing,list Comprehensions, variables, objects, type checking
This python programming tutorial covers List Processing, list Comprehensions, variables, objects, type checking etc.
List Processing
Working with lists is very common
Python is very adept at processing lists
Have already seen many examples:
>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> sum(a)
>>> a[0:3]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> a * 2
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> min(a)
List Comprehensions
Creates a new list by applying an operation to each element of a sequence.
>>> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> b = [2*x for x in a]
>>> b
A list comprehension can also filter
>>> a = [1, -5, 4, 2, -2, 10]
>>> b = [2*x for x in a if x > 0]
>>> b
General syntax
[expression for x in s if condition]
What it means
result = []
for x in s:
if condition:
Can be used anywhere a sequence is expected
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> sum([x*x for x in a])
List Comp: Examples
List comprehensions are hugely useful
Collecting the values of a specific field
stocknames = [s['name'] for s in stocks]
Performing database-like queries
a = [s for s in stocks if s['price'] > 100
and s['shares'] > 50 ]
Variable Assignment
Variables in Python are names for values
A variable name does not represent a fixed memory location into which values are stored (like C, C++, Fortran, etc.)
Assignment is just a naming operation
Variables and Values
At any time, a variable can be redefined to refer to a new value
a = 42
a = "Hello"
Variables are not restricted to one data type
Names, Values, Types
Names do not have a "type"--it's just a name
However, values do have an underlying type
>>> a = 42
>>> b = "Hello World"
>>> type(a)
>>> type(b)
type() function will tell you what it is
The type name is usually a function that creates or converts a value to that type
Reference Counting
Variable assignment never copies anything!
Instead, it just updates a reference count
a = 42
b = a
c = [1,2]
So, different variables might be referring to the same object (check with the is operator)
>>> a is b
Reassignment never overwrites memory, so you normally don't notice any of the sharing
Instead, it just updates a reference count
a = 42
b = a
a = 37
When you reassign a variable, the name is just made to point to the new value.
"Copying" mutable objects such as lists and dicts is a hidden danger as explained below.
>>> a = [1,2,3,4]
>>> b = a
>>> b[2] = -10
>>> a
Changes affect both variables!
Reason: Different variable names are referring to exactly the same object
Making a Copy
You have to take special steps to copy data
>>> a = [2,3,[100,101],4]
>>> b = list(a) # Make a copy
>>> a is b
Sometimes you need to makes a copy of an object and all objects contained within it
Use the copy module
>>> a = [2,3,[100,101],4]
>>> import copy
>>> b = copy.deepcopy(a)
>>> a[2].append(102)
>>> b[2]
Everything is an object
Numbers, strings, lists, functions, exceptions, classes, instances, etc...
All objects are said to be "first-class"
Meaning: All objects that can be named can be passed around as data, placed in containers, etc.,
without any restrictions.
There are no "special" kinds of objects
First Class Objects
A simple example:
>>> import math
>>> items = [abs, math, ValueError ]
>>> items
>>> items[0](-45)
Type Checking
How to tell if an object is a specific type
if type(a) is list:
print "a is a list
if isinstance(a,list): # Preferred
print "a is a list"
Checking for one of many types
if isinstance(a,(list,tuple)):
print "a is a list or tuple"
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