Radar Training | Radar Training Course

This academic section on training and course covers Radar training or Radar basic training course.

At the end of the Radar course, readers will learn following:
• Radar related terminologies
• Operation of Radar
• Radar Frequency Bands
• Radar Measurements and different types of Radar Scope
• Types of Radar as follows:
-Doppler Radar
-FMCW Radar
-Weather Radar
-Ground Penetrating Radar
-Tracking Radar
• Useful Radar ralated Calculators

Radar Training Course from RF Wireless World

Refer links provided below which will take you through each of the topics of Radar Training.

Radar Training Topics RF Wireless World Link
Radar Terminologies: Range, Resolution, PRF, PRT, monostatic, bistatic, Radar Cross Section Radar Terminology➤

Radar Cross Section➤
Radar System Basics, Functions with Block Diagram, Types, Radar Range Equation, Applications, Advantages, Disadvantages Radar Tutorial➤

Advantages and Disadvantages➤
Radar Frequency Band of Operations Radar Bands➤
Radar Measurements and Radar Scope Radar Measurements➤

Different Types of Radar
• Doppler Radar
• FMCW Radar
• Weather Radar
• Ground Penetrating Radar
• Tracking Radar
• Laser Radar (LIDAR or LADAR)
Doppler Radar➤


Weather Radar➤

Ground Penetrating Radar➤

Tracking Radar Basics➤

Laser Radar or LIDAR or LADAR➤
Radar Calculators Radar Range calculator➤

Radar PRF vs Range➤

Radar Range Resolution➤

This Radar Training page is very useful for begineers as well as experienced engineers working or persuing their career in radar maintenance or operation or in R&D.

RF and Wireless tutorials

WLAN  802.11ac  802.11ad  wimax  Zigbee  z-wave  GSM  LTE  UMTS  Bluetooth  UWB  IoT  satellite  Antenna  RADAR 

RF and Wireless Terminologies

IoT Wireless Technologies

WLAN    ➤THREAD    ➤EnOcean    ➤LoRa    ➤SIGFOX    ➤WHDI    ➤Zigbee   ➤6LoWPAN   ➤Zigbee RF4CE   ➤Z-Wave   ➤NFC   ➤RFID   ➤Lonworks   ➤CEBus   ➤UPB