RF Training | Radio Frequency Training | RF Training Course

This academic section on training and course covers RF training or RF(Radio Frequency) Training course.

At the end of the RF course, readers will learn following:
• RF System Basics
• RF Link Budget
• RF Measurement Basics
• RF Test and Measurement parameters
• RF Test and Measurement equipments
• Example study of VSAT system

RF Training Course from RF Wireless World

Refer links provided below which will take you through each of the topics of RF Training.

RF Training Topics RF Wireless World Link
• What is Radio Frequency and RF bands
• RF applications including RF in medical domain
What is RF➤
Medical RF➤
• RF Units of measurement
• RF Unit conversion calculators
dBm dBW dBc ➤
dBm Vs Watt Calculator➤
• RF Link Budget fundamentals
• RF Link Budget Equation and calculator
RF Link Budget➤
RF Budget Calculator➤
• Typical RF Measurements performed (P1dB, Gain, Spurious, TOI, AM-AM, AM-PM etc.)
• Measurement Setup and Test procedures for RF Trasceiver, LNA
Tutorial on RF Measurements➤
RF Transceiver Testing➤
RF LNA Testing➤
• RF and Baseband Test and Measurement Parameters
• RF and Wireless Test and Measurement Equipments
RF Test and Measurement➤
• VSAT System Block Diagram
• Installation and functions of
• Functions of VSAT subsystems
VSAT System➤

The above will cover RF basic training. For RF advanced training specially in RF Design aspects refer following table with the links provided. From this readers will learn following topics:
• S parameters
• RF Transceiver Design Aspects
• RF Filter Design
• Microstrip Antenna design
• Advanced modulation concepts
• Examples of RF component design using RF softwares

RF Advanced Training Topics RF Wireless World Link
• S Parameters
• Smith chart
• Return Loss
S Parameters➤
Smith Chart basics➤
What is VSWR➤
Return Loss Vs VSWR Calculator➤
Example of RF frequency up converter design using microstrip RF Up converter design➤
Microstrip RF Filter design with LPF Example RF Filter Design➤
Microstrip Patch Antenna Design for mobile Microstrip Patch Antenna➤
Advanced Modulation Techniques BPSK, QPSK, QAM etc. BPSK vs QPSK➤
QAM Modulation➤
Example of RF component design using Microwave Office:
Wilkinson power divider, Hairpin BPF designs
Wilkinson Power Divider➤
Hairpin BPF➤

This RF Training page is very useful for begineers as well as experienced RF engineers.

RF and Wireless tutorials

WLAN  802.11ac  802.11ad  wimax  Zigbee  z-wave  GSM  LTE  UMTS  Bluetooth  UWB  IoT  satellite  Antenna  RADAR 

RF and Wireless Terminologies

IoT Wireless Technologies

WLAN    ➤THREAD    ➤EnOcean    ➤LoRa    ➤SIGFOX    ➤WHDI    ➤Zigbee   ➤6LoWPAN   ➤Zigbee RF4CE   ➤Z-Wave   ➤NFC   ➤RFID   ➤Lonworks   ➤CEBus   ➤UPB